In one of her latest opinion pieces, entitled “When Did We Vote to Become Mexico?” conservative political commentator Ann Coulter mourns the immigrant demographics of the United States, stating that she wishes more white immigrants came from the “mother country” of Great Britain.

Coulter writes, “Why can’t the country be more or less the ethnic composition it always was?”

“[W]e’re scraping the bottom of the barrel by holding ourselves out as the welfare ward of the world and specifically rejecting skilled immigrants,” she continues.

She attempts to back up her argument with facts, saying, “innumerable studies have shown that Mexican first-generation immigrants work like maniacs – and then the second, third and fourth generations plunge headlong into the underclass.”

However, she does not cite any studies to prove this fact. A 2011 study showed that each generation of Latinos improves economically, according to the Huffington Post.

Coulter writes in her article, “Granted, their food is better, but why is it the norm is to have nearly 30 times as many Mexican as British immigrants?” This line is reminiscent of Easten Haven, Conn. Mayor Joseph Maturo, who infamously said he “might have tacos” when asked what he would do for the Latino community that day.

This is not Coulter’s first article that took aim at the Latin American community. She has published articles on the topic regularly since President Obama’s reelection in November.

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