Today is Christina Hendricks' birthday. She was born in 1975 in Tennessee and turns 38. Hendricks well-known for her role as Joan Harris on Mad Men, which is in its sixth season.

Hendricks' character Joan recently married on the show too, although she is now estranged from her husband. Hendricks is married in her real life also to Geoffrey Arend (Super Troopers). They have been married since 2009. Hendricks told the The Huffington Post of her husband, that "There was something very striking about him when I first saw him, and I knew I was very intrigued and attracted to him…"

She also explained to Huffington Post that when Arend proposed he did it in the "traditional way." She added that her married life is "as beautiful as I could have imagined." Hendricks explained that when she met Arend on their first date, she may have scared him by saying she wanted to start a family and have a baby.

Hendricks told The Sun that she was convinced that Geoffrey was "The One" when they first met.

Hendricks did not just talk to The Sun about her marriage. Hendricks also commented on her character Joan to The Sun. She said that "When she's at work, she's bossy, bold and resourceful." Adding, "She understands office politics better than anyone, and she carries herself with pride and poise and doesn't like to be challenged." Hendricks said that she admires the character of Joan and would like to be like her.

Hendricks also was hand picked by Ryan Gosling for a role in his directorial debut. He called her personally to ask her to star. His film, How To Catch A Monster, is a macabre film where a single mother is in a dark underworld, and her teenage son finds a road to a secret underwater city. Christina Hendricks will play Billy in the film. Hendricks told Flare she felt "…intimidated." She told Entertainment Wise, "[Ryan] called me and asked me if I was interested in doing this film and I said: 'One, of course, yes, and two, why me? And three, I don’t want to disappoint you." The film is in pre-production.

We wish Christina Hendricks a Happy Birthday.