Keyshawn Johnson, former Carolina Panthers receiver, is livid with Justin Bieber and his speeding Ferrari.

After leaving a Memorial Day party in his gated community in Calabasas, California, Johnson claims that Bieber sped through the neighborhood in his white Ferrari, and he was so angry that he chased after him in his Prius, and got out of his car in front of Bieber’s home to confront him according to The Huffington Post. Bieber allegedly ran inside and refused to come out, scared of the fuming athlete outside.

There have been multiple phone calls to the police from neighbors Johnson’s community reporting Bieber’s hazardous driving, and with this most recent incident, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept. has launched an investigation to dig deeper into the problem.

Johnson has called out Bieber, claiming he is "playing with dynamite" by endangering Keyshawn's family with his reckless driving according to TMZ. Johnson’s agent Jerome Stanley has reported that "Keyshawn is taking the situation very seriously," and "He wants Justin to slow down and be a responsible neighbor."