Matt Damon has given his warning on the nudity he displays in the film Behind the Candelabra, which will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday night. Damon stars opposite Michael Douglas, who plays Liberace.

He joked with reporters about seeing his backside and his Brazilian spray tan in a scene for the film, which will start airing on Sunday night on HBO.

“We'll see it on the biggest screen ever. It will be jarring," he said at a news conference, USA Today reports. "This is not something you can un-see. So you're all welcome to look. But you cannot un-ring that bell. It will be seared into your memory."

Damon also revealed that he pitched the idea of appearing nude to director Steven Soderberg in a West Hollywood parking lot while they were still filming the movie.

"I said, 'What if at the end of the scene, I drop the robe and get into bed?' " he told reporters about his pitch about a scene where he and Douglas’ character are in a fight. "And Steven just looked at me for a long time and said, 'Oh I know where to put the camera.' I said, 'It's the wrongest thing you have ever seen.' "

He will be out of focus, and the camera will instead zone into Douglas but Damon says "my behind is very large in the frame. I'm really proud of that scene."

Soderberg also joked "When Matt told me the story about his Brazilian spray tan, I felt the world really needed to see this. So I was looking for opportunities. And we found them,” adding, "Give the people what they want and they will show up."

The BBC also reports that Douglas thanked Soderberg for giving him the ability to work on the film “right after cancer.” To cheers from the audience, Douglas called the film "a beautiful gift.”

"I will be eternally grateful," he added.

image: NBCUniversal