You've undoubtedly seen or received requests on Facebook to "like" a post or photo in order to contribute to a worthy cause. It's easy and convenient to click on the "like" button, but it's just as likely your action has no real effect. On the other side of the spectrum are phone calls and visitors at your door seeking a cash contribution to benefit a specific cause. How likely are you to give up your hard-earned cash to a complete stranger?
Sevenly is an online store that sells t-shirts, hats, posters, accessories and much more. But instead of focusing entirely on making a profit, Sevenly sells with the aim of helping others. Each week they donate $7 from every sale to a real, worthy cause. At the week's end, the campaign closes and the products featured will no longer be available.
Past campaigns have benefitted the children of veterans killed in combat, the fight against poverty, campaigns against sexual exploitation, research into various illnesses such as cancer and burn treatments, and suicide prevention. Every week features a different cause and new products. To date, Sevenly has donated more than $2.2 million.
And while a lot of Facebook campaigns encourage you to like a post with no real promise of charity, Sevenly's own "like" campaign actually has cash behind their efforts. By gaining a certain number of likes for a campaign, the campaign's sponsor will offer a real cash donation to the week's cause.
Visit Sevenly and maybe you'll find a great gift for yourself or a friend. Regardless, you'll definitely feel good knowing you've helped a worthy cause.