Is Steve Carell really going to be making an appearance on The Office’s finale? Fans have been hearing for months that he will not return and that both Carell and executive producer Greg Daniels believe that he made a perfect exit from the show. However, a new report suggests otherwise.

Sources for TVLine say that Carell will be back for a strictly cameo role. He will not have a major part in the hour-long episode, but Michael Scott will be back at least for a brief moment. The site could not confirm if Amy Ryan, who played Holly Flax, the girl Michael left Scranton to be with, will make an appearance.

Carell’s reps told the site that he will not be in the finale and Daniels made yet another comment about it last week. “I think Steve felt, and I agree, that the 'Goodbye, Michael' episode was his goodbye and he didn't want to overshadow the ending that all the other characters deserved,” he told reporters in a conference call. Carell and Daniels made similar comments in January.

Carell’s name was also not included on the list of guest stars that came out last month.

The Office finale airs on May 16 at 9 p.m. on NBC.

image: NBC