Amanda Bynes’ dream of becoming a rapper might just be coming true, as music producer Daniel Herman from Chinga Chang Records has confirmed he will be reaching out to the former actress’ attorney to get a deal together.

Herman said he has offered Bynes a record deal and he has cleared it with everyone involved.

“I cleared the project with The Orchard and Sony Entertainment and they gave me the green light to go ahead,” he told RadarOnline. “I think that she’s more gangster than Drake.”

Herman continued to say that he thinks his record label is the best place for Bynes to start her hip-hop career. “The fact that Amanda wants to do hip-hop music means that Chinga Chang label is the best place for her to do this, because of my past experience with bringing pop and legitimate hip-hop together,” he said.

At the end of May, Bynes tweeted “Look forward to seeing me in music videos! I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper!”

image: Twitter