With over 600 million iOS devices sold, Apple has decided to reveal a brand new iOS for iPhones and tablets at the WWDC conference. CEO Tim Cook took the stage to talk of the much-hyped software, iOS 7.

According to Gizmodo, iOS 6 is the most popular software used among mobile devices.

Mashable reported that the iOS 7 logo was sleeker and much different from the chunkier iOS logos. Along with the sleeker logo are the stock icons that take away the previous shine and focus on a flatter, cleaner design.

Gizmodo said new typography is being implemented and translucency between layers will be added. Along with new design, you can now swipe between apps. And what’s that? A new iMessage design?

Instead of the standard boring lock screens, iOS 7 now let’s you have animated backgrounds and lock screens, Mashable reports. iOS 7 also ditches old backgrounds used in Calendar and iMessages and gives you a cleaner, whiter approach. Everything is just so clean!

With cleaner design comes app fluidity, including easier motions in iMessage, in which you can swipe from message to message, a cleaner Mail app and the ability for the notification center to appear on the lock screen.

Apple is finally giving users what they want with Control Center, which is an easier way to adjust screen brightness, music volume and toggle apps. It gets better as iOS 7 includes app multitasking which increases your battery life.

Safari also gets the update with an intuitive design, full-screen view, favorites, smart search and parental controls.

Next up, Camera and Photos updates include photo filters and a new photo organization that puts your photos together by “moments.”

Siri, who can now have the voice of a male, gets more features including voice mail play, brightness adjustment and a better Web search. You can also use your digital companion in your car with more integration like phone calls and navigation coming in 2014.

With an updated Music app, comes iTunes Radio, Apple’s new music streaming service where users can create their own stations based off artists, see songs trending on Twitter and share stations with friends.

Mashable reports that iOS 7 will be released later in the fall and for developers today.

So, what do you think? Are you excited for iOS 7?