It’s a big day for Apple as the annual WWDC conference takes place to reveal all the new ideas and hopefully, shiny gadgets.

As of now, CEO Tim Cook is speaking about the new OS X for Mac, jokingly calling it OS X Sea Lion at first. Instead, it’s called OS X Maverick, and the software adds new features and improvements.

According to USA Today, a major update from OS X Maverick is its ability to only use 72 percent of your laptop’s CPU activity, causing battery life to last even longer.

Mashable reported that OS X Maverick offers a dual screen feature and several updates to the Internet browser, Safari, including “App Nap” which quiets the browser’s activity, no matter how many tabs you have open.

Apple Maps and iBooks, along with an updated Calendar are coming to OS X Maverick, reports Gizmodo, with greater functionality and integration with the iPhone.

Always confused about what time you are supposed to leave for the airport or to a friend’s party? The new Calendar will send you a notification at the time you should leave in order to get there right on time.

For those tech-savy college students who say no to text books, iBooks let’s you type out notes in your e-books and create digital notecards. Bye bye, paper notecards.

Will you be updating to OS X Maverick? According to Gizmodo, the software will be released Fall 2013.