Christina Torre, daughter of former Yankees manager Joe Torre caught a falling baby after tumbling off a second-floor fire escape.

According to LAtimes Joe Torre released a statement Wednesday saying, "I am very proud of my daughter Cristina's actions today during an incident in Brooklyn involving a small child. Fortunately for that child she was in the right place at the right time to lend a hand."

Christina was having coffee when a man rushed in asking people to call 911, a 1-year-old had crawled out onto a second-floor fire escape. Torre quickly got up to help the child, “He looked like he was balancing on one of the railings,” she told the Daily News. “I didn’t really know what was going to happen. . . . You just move into action — you don’t really think about it.”

Torre tried to talk to the baby boy, telling him to stay where he was. “I’m talking to him saying, ‘Don’t come down, stay there.’ . . . He helped himself with his arms. He was dangling. I knew he would be flipping very soon,” she said. “He literally landed in my arms, It was a relief. I’m just glad he was safe.”

The child had apparently crawled between a piece of cardboard blocking the opening to the fire escape, his parents were sleeping while the small child made his way outside. Upon further investigation the parents have been charged with reckless endangerment when no bedding or food was found for the children residing in the home.