The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their first child next month, and according to new reports, she will use hypnotherapy to ease the pain during delivery.

It’s rumored that she will give birth at the same hospital her husband was born, St Mary Hospital in Paddington, London, and she will have a natural birth. She will reportedly use a birthing pool to give birth to the royal baby.

"Kate has researched various birthing methods. She wants it to be natural, so hypno-birthing is one option that appealed and she had been reading up on it and listening to CDs to get into the right frame of mind,” a source told Grazia, IBTimes reports.

"Some of her friends have used this method and swear by it. Kate wants to do it her way and be relaxed."

She reportedly used hypnotherapy when she was hospitalized for acute morning sickess at the beginning of her pregnancy.

NY Daily News reports that a spokesperson declined to comment on reports about the Duchess’ birth.
"We appreciate it's a happy occasion, but there are some matters which should remain private to the duchess,” the rep said.

image: INF Daily