Marvel Studios has established that superhero movies end with a post-credits nod to an expansive universe of interconnected heroes, or so we thought. This week's Man of Steel will feature no such glimpse, so you can either enjoy movie music and names or head out to your car a little early.

Iron Man did it, Thor did it, The Avengers did it, and even DC's own Green Lantern featured a mid-credits reveal. But, according to Chud, Man of Steel shirks the genre's expected post-credit scene. Many were hoping for, at the very least, some small reference to Wayne Enterprises, Batman's alter-ego's foundation. But the only thing found after Man of Steel is John Williams music and lists of names.

That's not to say that Man of Steel doesn't hold surprises. It's just that any revelations or connections to other DC heroes will happen during the actual story. In fact, reported in April that Man of Steel was to be a harbinger for a new line of DC films, at least thematically.

In an interview with Crave Online, Man of Steel producer Deborah Snyder says that the reason for not including the post credits scene is that the movie's makers felt that the short clips are just commercials that detract from the actual film. She emphasized that Man of Steel was written to be a finished product.