The Wanted’s Max George is continuing his feud with One Direction, calling member of the boy band Louis Tomlinson gay.

George and his band mates have been on a media tour lately promoting their E! Reality show, The Wanted Life . As reported by when asked in an interview with Andy Cohen which member of One Direction would come out of the closet first, George responded quickly, “Louis.” Tomlinson is currently in a long-term relationship with student Eleanor Calder.

This is not the first revealing thing George has said on the media tour. When questioned about his romantic escapades, George admitted to sleeping with fans and celebrities in the past, but he “couldn’t say who.” Cohen did not waste any time asking hard-hitting questions about George’s love life either, (almost) getting George to admit to a fling with troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan.

The Daily Mail reports that George shared details of his relationship with Lohan to the hosts of E! News.

“She's a friend of all of ours and she is a lovely girl. We wish her all the best, wherever she is,” George said of his tie to Lohan. However, last year George sung a very different tune about the red head, dismissing her as a girl who partied too much.

“She was good to party with, but there's definitely not going to be any babies on the horizon,” the singer said.

To watch the full interview with Andy Cohen, check out the video below. George mentions Tomlinson around the 4:10 mark.

Image: NBC