Tuesday night, a pro-LBGT heckler harassed the First Lady at a fundraiser. Michelle Obama gave the crowd a choice - eject the heckler or she would leave. Obama won.

According to ABC News, the fundraiser for the Democrat National Committee was occurring at a private home in Washington. Michelle Obama was on stage when Ellen Sturtz, an advocate for LBGT rights, started calling for equality.

Mrs. Obama left the podium and approached Sturtz, explaining that she does not deal well with hecklers and that the audience had to choose between Obama continuing her speech and Sturtz staying. The crowd immediately turned on Sturtz, forcing her to leave and allowing Obama to continue her speech.

The Huffington Post reports that Sturtz is an activist for the group GetEQUAL. Her decision to heckle was based on the lack of laws restricting federal contractors from hiring based on gender identity. Sturtz told the Huffington Post that she did not initially plan to interrupt the First Lady, but was inspired by Obama's speech to say something.