Nik Wallenda tight roped 1,400 feet across the Grand Canyon Sunday, becoming the first person to successfully complete the daring stunt.

Wallenda announced his decision to walk across the Canyon last week. The stunt aired live on Discovery Channel with a 10 second delay as Wallenda conducted the stunt without a safety net or tether, TV Guide reports.

"It took every bit of me to stay focused that entire time," Wallenda explained. “My arms are aching like you wouldn't believe." The 34-year-old stuntman held a 43 pound balancing pole as made his way across.

Wallenda successfully crossed the Canyon in 23 minutes.

TV Guide notes that he crouched down twice after high winds made the cable shaky. “This is what my family has done for 200 years, so it's part of my legacy," Wallenda explained. "It was a dream come true...I knelt down and I thought of my great-grandfather and that everything I do is to honor him. It took my mind off all this movement underneath me ... and I was able to focus on him and regain composure."

Wallenda’s successful walk follows his death-defying walk across Niagara Falls last June. TV Guide reports that he is currently planning to walk between two New York City sky scrapers. The date is not yet set for this walk.

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