In part of the fight against the “war on Christmas,” Rick Perry signed Texas’s “Merry Christmas bill” into law on Friday. The law will protect religious holiday celebrations in public schools.

The law has been interpreted as geared towards Christian religions, and will allow religious items such as nativity scenes and Christmas trees to be displayed in schools, according to NY Daily News.

The only stipulation is that one other religious or secular icon must be included.

The law further allows teachers and students to wish each other “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Hanukkah” without fear of reprimand.

“It's a shame that a bill like this one I'm signing today is even required, but I'm proud that we're standing up for religious freedom in this state,” said Perry.

The bill was easily approved in conservative and religious Texas’s House and Senate, according to the Huffington Post.

“We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to exercise the religion of our choosing while also being free from having any religion imposed upon us,” said Texas House of Representatives Democrat Donna Howard, a Unitarian Universalist, in the House’s daily prayer.

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