I’m sure everyone has heard about the one name sweeping the nation, “North West.”

Last week, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian welcomed the media and the rest of the world to their little pride, joy and compass coordinates.

So this has me wondering. What in the world is the next heir to the English throne going to be called? Since North West is already taken sadly enough, and Blue Ivy is probably trademarked, I decided to do a little research into what others suggest might be the name of this soon to be royal.

According to Huff Post Parents, the names are going to be traditional and one or two unique for a boy and girl.

For girls name, they range from Alexandra, Charlotte (sister Pippa’s middle name), Elizabeth (hmmm, wonder where they got this name from), Diana (in loving memory), Mary (classic) and Chardonnay (Maybe the Royals are white wine lovers.)

For Boy’s name there are: George, Philip (in honor of William’s Grandfather), Louis, Arthur, James (very traditional) and last but not least Chesterfield (almost up there with North West.)

As the date gets closer and closer, there is more speculation that if Duchess Middleton and Prince William do give birth to a beautiful daughter, then her name is more than likely going to be Charlotte or Diana, according to CrossMap.

But let’s face it, as much as the world would like to speculate, there are only two people who are capable of making the choice and surprising the rest of the world. But the royals are smart people, so let’s hope they keep colors, fruit and locations out of their first choices on names.

Tell us what you think is the best name from this list or maybe a new name that could potentially be thrown into the mix.

We can’t wait to hear from you!