Everyone loves making fun of hipsters! That’s exactly what Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein aim to do in the offbeat Portlandia, where they take you to the vegan-infested land of Portland, Oregon. From pickling random objects to feminist bookstore owners, Portlandia shows off the comedic chemistry between Armisen and Brownstein that’ll make you never want to leave Portland and its super weird citizens. Super weird.

In honor of Portlandia being renewed for two seasons, we are counting down the most hilarious skits in Portlandia. But before you read this, “put a bird on it!”

10. Put A Bird On It
Speaking of putting birds on things, here’s a skit that all “quirky” people can relate to. Birds on everything? Sure why not? They even go so far as putting a bird on a bird. They can do that. It’s Portland.

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