Flaps with the national anthem are bound to happen. Celebrities even screw up the words sometimes. But the most recent anthem error resulted in the newest uberpopular internet video.

Added to Youtube on May 18th, the video is up to over 4 million views. Fails are a popular theme in such viral phenomenon. One only need watch an episode of the classic America's Funniest Home Videos to see that watching failure has been fun since before Youtube even existed.

But MSN argues that what we see there is not a failure, but a triumph. The kid's decisive salute saved what could have been a complete disaster.

So here are some definitive failures just for fun.

This lady, Alexis Normand, was singing The Star Spangled Banner at a hockey game when she forgot the words, according to USA Today. Though, she has a slight excuse; she's Canadian. The video is kind of painful to watch.

Another hard one to watch, but give the guy props for trying. The guy at the end says that he was really put on the spot and was doing it with no notice.

Mind you, it's not all bad. The greatest modern rendition of our national anthem was probably that kid from The Dark Knight Rises.