Audio of Kanye West’s 2009 post- MTV VMA interruption has gone viral. The audio was allegedly recorded in secret at a dinner after West infamously interrupted Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for Best Female Video.

Gawker posted the audio online Friday, revealing a lengthy conversation between the Yeezus rapper and his dinner guests.
West can be heard saying, “I'd rather just let the [inaudible] speak for itself. You know, it's like, I was happy to be in a situation where people couldn't say, oh, I was trying to promote my own song. For the times that I've, like, defended myself... [Tape break] I'm pushing the envelope”

“I wrote my f**kin' 'Run This Town' verse for a f**kin' month!” he continues. “When I heard Eminem's verse on the Drake shit, I went back and rewrote my shit for two days. I canceled appointments to rewrite! I f**kin' care! You know what I'm saying? And that's what I'm saying. Because I did that, Taylor Swift cannot win over Beyoncé!”

West goes on to blame his fame and Hollywood on the death of his mother. The “Mercy” singer’s mother, Donda, died in 2007 after a cosmetic surgery procedure went wrong.

“My mother died for this fame shit! I moved to f**kin' Hollywood chasing this shit. My mother died because of this shit. F**k MTV,” he states.

West went on to bash singer Pink, who performed twice at the Video Music Awards while the new father slams that he was never asked to perform once.

“What the f**k was Pink performing?” he presses. “Don't nobody know that song. Pink performed twice! Two songs? How the f”*k Pink perform two songs and I didn't even get asked to perform "Heartless." "Heartless" is the biggest song of the year!”

According to the report, it has not been confirmed if the audio is in fact West, but the tone, dialect and slang are an uncanny resemblance.

Image: NBC