During the second week of proceedings in the Trayvon Martin and the George Zimmerman trial, the jury is hearing completely conflicting sides.

On Feb. 26 Martin, 17, was shot to death by Zimmerman, who is now being charged with second-degree murder. Zimmerman is claiming that he only shot him out of self-defense because he was being attacked.

A 911 call made by a neighbor who heard the fight was played in the courtroom. Both Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Martin, and Gladys Zimmerman, the mother of Zimmerman, claim it is their son who can be heard screaming for help in the background of the phone call. It is very hard for the jury to determine who the aggressor of the fight was and who can be heard screaming in the 911 call, but both are extremely crucial to the outcome of the case.

According to ABC News prosecutors called 38 witnesses to ask questions about Zimmerman. Prosecutors say they revealed that Zimmerman was known as a police wannabe who commonly reported African-Americans walking through his neighborhood and was fed up with crime in his area. They also said that when he called the police dispatcher to report the suspicious activity of Martin he was told to let the police deal with the situation.

LA Times reports that there were no direct eyewitnesses present during their fight, making it even harder for the jury to decide. As of right now, it is one mother’s word against the other.