Dave Matthews Band violinist Boyd Tinsley had about $400,000 embezzled from a Virginia man.

Getty Andres Rothenberg pleaded guilty in federal court in Charlottesville on Tuesday to fraud courts documents say.

Rothenberg was working as a personal assistant and financial manager. His responsibilities included paying bills and directing investments the Associated Press reports. He used extra money for personal use after submitting false bills from 2009 to 2012.

Rothenberg was paid $50,000 a year to pay the violinist’s bills and was increased to $60,000 a year. Amounts Rothenberg took varied from $1,200 to more than $14,000

Tom Bondurant, Rothenberg’s lawyer, said Tinsley uncovered the missing money in 2012 on Tuesday during the hearing CBS reports.

“Andrew Rothenberg is a good man. He got caught up in some unfortunate circumstances. He knows what he did is wrong,” Bondurant said.

Rothenberg’s sentence is on Sept. 17 and faces 30 years in prison.

Dave Matthews Band is on tour and set to play in N.C. on Wednesday.

Image: Wikimedia Commons