Universal Pictures animated sequel Despicable Me 2 is proving to be a box office hit, sweeping Disney’s Lone Ranger this week at the box office.
According to Hit Fix, Lone Ranger disappointed Friday, bringing in a measly $10.6 million, while Despicable Me 2 nearly tripled that with $30.2 million. Both films hit the theaters Monday, and by Friday Despicable Me 2 clearly showed itself as the frontrunner with $89 million so far, while the Armie Hammer/Johnny Depp starring western has only brought in $30.1 million
Hit Fix predicts that the Steve Carell, Kristen Stewart voiced sequel will continue its momentum and become one of the biggest openings for an animated film with an estimated weekend total of $140 million; Lone Ranger is not expected to reach $50 million by the time the weekend concludes. The Disney western cost $225 million to create, Entertainment Weekly reports.
In addition to Despicable Me and Ranger, the Melissa McCarthy- Sandra Bullock comedy The Heat continued at the box office bringing in an additional $8.6 million, Monster’s University kept a modest fourth place raking in $7.1 million and finally Brad Pitt’s World War Z raked in an additional $6.3 million.
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