Lindsay Lohan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey proves to be a lucrative decision for the Mean Girls actress. The OWN network is slated to pay Lohan $2 million to discuss her life post-rehab.
Sources tell TMZ that the decision to air an eight-part docu-series on the actress has been in negotiations for nearly four months. She reportedly signed on for the deal when she first entered Betty Ford Rehab Center.
In the interview, Lohan is reportedly set to spill on her time inside Betty Ford, leaving Betty for a Malibu treatment center following reports that drugs ran rampant in the facility. She is also expected to discuss firing her controversial lawyer Mark Heller and her hopes for the future.
In addition to signing the $2 million deal, LiLo will also have two personal assistants and a stylist before the interview.
Lohan is expected to leave rehab on July 31 after serving 90 days for lying to police following her June 2012 car accident.
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