Many people who are angry about yesterday’s verdict in the Zimmerman case are protesting in several locations nationwide.

Approximately 200 people protested in San Diego at 8 p.m. yesterday. People carried signs with slogans as they marched down Mission Street. The peaceful march ended around 10 p.m.

Reverend Ira Acree told NBC News that "[the community should become] a united voice for peace."

The protest in Oakland at 14th and Broadway was not so peaceful. Police in riot gear appeared after reports of vandalism at approximately 11:30 p.m. The protests continued well after midnight.

People protested in Sacramento as well.

"I was stunned. I was very disturbed,” protester Tommy Brown told the Sacramento Bee. "Had Zimmerman approached Martin as a mentor in a positive manner, it could have been a different situation."

Some people who attended services at Middle Collegiate Church in Manhattan today wore hooded sweatshirts today in support of Martin.

"[W]e're going to raise our voices against the root causes of this kind of tragedy," Reverend Jacqueline Lewis told her congregation during the service today.