Marvel’s Comic-Con panel was after Warner Bros.’ panel, so the Disney-owned studio had to find some way to top the news that Batman and Superman will be in a movie together. So, Marvel announced the name of Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron.

The name was the last major news from the panel, which included footage of November’s Thor: The Dark World, teasers for Guardians of the Galaxy and Todd Hiddletstein showing up in full Loki gear. According to The Guardian head Kevin Feige also came in to show off footage from next year’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, with most of the cast - including Chris Evans - in attendance. Guardians director James Gunn also showed off his film, which opens in summer 2014.

But the biggest reveal came at the end, when Marvel confirmed that Avengers 2 will be subtitled Age of Ultron, bringing the classic villain to the movies. Joss Whedon is retuning to write and direct and the film is set for a May 1, 2015 release.

According to IGN, Whedon did reveal that Ultron’s creator, Hank Pym (who is also Ant Man/Giant Man), will not be in the film, so movie Ultron will have a different creator than the character in the comics. He also said that Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye character will be back.
