Puddle of Mudd singer Wes Scantlin was arrested on Wednesday for taking a buzz saw to his neighbor’s patio.

The 41-year-old rocker told TMZ, “My neighbor vandalized my house, so I had to take action.”

The neighbor was Sasha Gradiva, a singer who earned the nickname “Gun Girl” at the Grammy Awards after wearing a gun on her arm.

The two had been fighting for some time and Gradiva has had to call the police in the past she said to The Hollywood Reporter.

“This has been going on for a while, a few months. I didn’t really want to talk about it. I just focus on my music, but yesterday was just completely ridiculous,” she said.

Scantlin went to Gradiva’s patio with a sledgehammer and hit the cinder block wall that divided the two properties. According to reports Scantlin thought the wall was on his side of the property line.

Gradiva said she sent the “She Hates Me” singer letters about his behavior, which included putting a flag with ‘Puddle of Mudd’ written on it on the boarder of the wall and a tent as well.

“I bought the house with this patio. [My property] was built more than 10 years ago. . . I don’t know why he decided to bother me because the previous owner, they didn’t have any issues,” she said.

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