Edward Snowden’s options for asylum appear to be dwindling quickly as several countries reject his application.

Snowden went to Russia after he left Hong Kong. Several countries have rejected his bid for asylum because such requests need to be made either at an embassy or while on that country’s soil. Most countries, such as Germany and Switzerland, will not accept applications made from abroad.

He is currently stranded at an airport in Russia because the government revoked his passport.

"Although I am convicted of nothing, (the United States) has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person," Snowden told the Christian Science Monitor.
Snowden applied for asylum in Russia but has since withdrawn that request. Russian authorities told Snowden that he could stay so long as he does not leak any more U.S. secrets.

Ecuador officials appeared to be sympathetic to Snowden at first.

President Correra made it very clear that his government would not issue an emergency travel document so Snowden could leave the Russian airport.

"The right of asylum request is one thing but helping someone travel from one country to another — Ecuador has never done this,” President Correra told The Guardian.