Set up your college student's dorm room with a gift they - and their eyes - will thank you for. When they are up late working on assignments and studying for exams, help them with lighting from the Verilux HappyLight series.

Fall and winter months mean we get fewer hours of natural daylight. The extended periods of darkness during these months has been proven to affect our moods, also known as the "winter blues." The Verilux HappyLight series provides portable, lightweight lighting that naturally elevates mood and energy levels, in addition to providing supplmental lighting at your student's desk.

The HappyLight 6000 offers up to 6,000 LUX of Natural Spectrum Daylight. The Sunshine Supplement Light System helps the body recalibrate naturally, reversing the effects of fatigue and improving focus and concentration, while its soothing Natural Spectrum Daylight improves mood and overall sense of well-being.

It features an easy-to-use flip switch and brightness control. Its sleek design won't take up a lot of space, leaving more room for textbooks, papers and laptop computer.

The HappyLight 2500 Combo Pack provides 2,500 LUX of Natural Spectrum Daylight in two smaller units. Use just one lamp in a limited space, or set up both units in different areas of the dorm room to provide a more custom and spread out lighting arrangement.

You can find the entire HappyLight series to fit your student's lighting needs at