My whole family enjoyed trying out our new "Beets" headphones by OrigAudio. These are a perfect gift for the upcoming holidays without spending a fortune for quality! OrigAudio, a company founded in 2009 by Jason Lucash and Mike Szymczak, gives people another way to bring personality to their music experience. OrigAudio provides new and cutting edge solutions for music while allowing customers to become creators of their own style and display their own personalities.

The "Beets" headphones are fashionable, unique, affordable and benefit a wonderful cause. For every Beets purchase, OrigAudio will donate a can of beets to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. They are available in 6 colors: black, green pink, red, white and blue (we have the red!). OrigAudio provides proof that you do not have to spend hundreds of dollars for headphones that look and sound just as wonderful.

Features of these fantastic headphones include : impeccable sound quality with noise reduction, full stereo sound with volume control and a single headphone cord to reduce tangling. They have soft earcups for extra comfort (even my picky 7 year old found them comfy and cozy). Beets work with any device that has a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, like the Ipod, Iphone, droid, laptop or blackberry. Each pair comes with a hard exterior travel case perfect for keeping them in mint condition.

My house really enjoys these headphones (in fact I may need a second pair to keep up with demand). They are perfect for working out, listening to play lists and even playing games on tablets. In a world where we all work to survive, it is truly refreshing to find a product that keeps up with society's styles but keeps the price so cost efficient while the quality stays strong.

For more information or to make a purchase please visit: