University of California, Irvine professor Rainer Reinscheid apologized Tuesday for setting fire to his late son's school, a park and a school administrator's home. Reinscheid admitted that dealing with the grief of his 14-year-old son's suicide caused him to act out of character and showed remorse for his actions.

Reinscheid had come up with an elaborate plan to attack his son's former school and kill students just a few weeks after his teenage son had killed himself.

According to USA Today, Reinscheid told the court that he had "lost his son and then lost himself."

The former professor has begged the judged to be lenient when deciding his sentence, claiming that he had come back to his sentences. His wish is to move to Germany to try to make a decent living for his younger son and his wife. However, Reinscheid faces anywhere up to 18 years in prison for his crime.

After a three-hour sentence hearing Tuesday, the case was adjourned until Wednesday afternoon. The judge will continue to hear speeches from those involved in the situation.

According to CBS Los Angeles, Reinscheid is described by those who know him well as a brilliant researcher and devoted father. However, school superintendent Terry L. Walker has shown no mercy for the attacker, stating that his son's death was no excuse for terrorizing the innocent school community.