Chris Brown has experienced many legal issues as of late - this time his punishment isn't jail, but 1,000 hours of additional community service.
Brown was accused of falsifying previous community service records that he earned during his 2009 Rihanna assault conviction when he said he finished the 1,440 hours of work, according to The Hollywood Gossip. Now he won't receive any credit for the hours he may or may not have worked and he is forced to repeat all the hours.
In one example of his fudging the records, Brown claimed that he picked up trash along the streets of Virginia, but was instead on a private jet to Cancun.
Because of his hit-and-run allegations, Brown's probation was lifted, but was reset until the fall of 2014 when the case wrapped up earlier this week.
Community labor options for Brown include highway cleanup, beach cleanup, probation alternative work service (PAWS) and graffiti removal, reports TMZ.
The judge isn't taking any chances this time...all his service must be completed under L.A. County official supervision.
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