Atlanta-based designer Cinda Boomershine brings her passion for color and design to her collection of handmade handbags and travel bags. As the on-air design expert on TBS's Movie and a Makeover, Cinda's knowledge and expertise put her in wide demand with several clients across the country. As a veteran traveller, Cinda has created a line of perfect everyday bags that are as stylish and fun as they are versatile and functional.

The cinda b train case is designed to be the perfect home for all your cosmetics regardless of whether you are at home or on the road. It features a clear zip pocket on the lid, elasticized brush pocket, and several wipeable interior slip pockets for all of your treasured makeup pots and compacts. Use it at home on your vanity or pack it for your next great adventure. The cinda b train case measures 9" W x 7-1/2" D x 3-1/2" H and is available a variety of patterns.

Get the cinda b train case for $65.00 at