Researchers have reported that eating fruits and vegetables could significantly reduce chances of a dangerous aneurysm that begins in the abdomen.

An aneurysm is caused by weaknesses in the wall of blood vessels that cause them to balloon. According to The Mayo Clinic, an abdominal aneurysm occurs when such swelling occurs in the lower portion of the aorta, which runs from the heart to the abdomen.

The study that provided validation for this theory involved 80,000 Swedish men and women who were divided into four groups based on their level of fruit and vegetable intake. They were followed for 13 years and results showed that those who had two or more servings a day were 43% less likely to develop the aneurysm.

Karolinska Institute doctoral researcher, Dr. Otto Stacleberg, told CBS News, "other studies have found that eating more fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type two diabetes, high blood pressure and several cancers."

Researchers say the most commonly eaten fruits were apples, pears, bananas and oranges.