The first trailer for Jean-Marc Vallee's Dallas Buyers Club burst onto iTunes today, giving the world a look at Matthew McConaughey's anticipated performance.

It promises a surefire Oscar campaign from leading star McConaughey.
Variety reported the news.

McConaughey plays Ron Woodroof, a hard-living man given 30 days to live after a HIV diagnosis. Instead, Woodroof turned to importing non-toxic alternative drugs from around the world for himself and others, bringing a whirlwind of change to AIDS treatment, the FDA, and the pharmaceutical companies..

The trailer showcases a virtuoso performance from McConaughey, who had already drawn attention to himself due to the massive weight loss he undertook for the role. It is one of the most highly-anticipated independent films of the year. More surprising is Leto as a cross-dressing client of Woodroof's.

McConaughey is in the midst of a career Renaissance after a string of disappointing rom-coms. By the end of this year, he will have appeared in 8 films in 3 years, such as the successful Magic Mike and indie darling Mud. This is his first opportunity to court Oscar glory.

The film, also starring Jennifer Garner, will be released on November 1.