Adding a balance ball to your workout can make a huge difference in your gains. The balance required by the ball forces you to work your core muscles in ways traditional exercises like situps and crunches cannot.

Combine your balance ball regimen and resistance training with the Total Body Balance Ball by Gaiam.

The Gaiam Balance Ball allows you to tone, sculpt and chisel your shoulders, arms, thighs and abs. In just a few minutes a day you can improve your core strength, agility and balance in a totally impact-free workout.

It doesn't matter whether you are a gym pro or a workout rookie. The Gaiam Balance Ball is designed to be used by exercise enthusiasts of all levels. It also comes available in three different sizes so you can workout comfortably.

The Gaiam Total Body Balance Ball kit comes with:

  • Premium antiburst balance ball that can support up to 300 pounds
  • Blaster air-pump for easy inflation
  • Total Body Balance Ball workout DVD with three 20-minute focused segments on upper body, lower body, and abs
  • Balance Ball Express workout with three 10-minute segments

Get your Gaiam Total Body Balance Ball at