In a surprising move for the last state in the country to allow concealed weapons in public, Illinois enacted a gun-control law requiring better gun crime reports and extended background checks with ID cards.

The law, which will go into effect January 1, 2014, requires private gun buyers, as well as buyers from licensed firearms dealers and gun shows, to have a firearm owner’s identification (FOID) card, writes Reuters. In addition, gun owners are required to report missing or stolen firearms within 72 hours. Several previous attempts at similar bills failed, with the state divided over gun control and conservative courts unfriendly towards enacted laws.

Governor Pat Quinn signed the new law on Sunday, WGNTV reports, surrounded by families of gun violence victims, and with the strong support of law enforcement officials. Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez commented that “This law really aims at holding those straw buyers accountable for buying a gun then turning around and giving it to a gang member on the street.” Democrat and State Senator Kwame Raoul added “We’re closing a loophole that can deter some of the gun traffickers from transferring guns to people that we know will do harm to others.”

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