A magical thing happened at Sunday’s Video Music Awards. And no, not just Miley Cyrus showing off her twerking, or Katy Perry showing off her new hit single. Boy band legends *NSYNC reunited during Justin Timberlake’s Vanguard award performance, and fans erupted into cheers.

*NSYNC had been coy about the possibility of a reunion, and even though their appearance with Timberlake was short-lived, more rumors immediately popped up about another reunion in the future.

However, Lance Bass shut those rumors down ASAP.

“It would be lovely to do it, but we've got nothing planned," Bass told the Associated Press.

One roadblock in the way to a reunion could be that Timberlake is busy touring for his new album. Could the guys get together after that? Even Bass doesn’t know.

“Who knows what will happen when he's off tour. It's simply not
part of the conversation right now,” Bass said.

According to The Huffington Post, Bass said that the former boy banders focused on that “one performance” and that if they ever did hit the road as a unit again, he’d hope they’d “come up with something real special.”

Image courtesy of MTV