Perez Hilton loves the drama, and now he’s part of it. After reportedly attempting to rent a home in the same apartment complex as Lady Gaga, the Mother and little monsters alike have opened twitter fire towards the blogger.

Though the two used to be pals, somewhere along the line they had a falling out. While the feud clearly began before now, a new wound was opened today, very publicly.

It began when a tweeter alerted Gaga that he saw Perez Hilton in her apartment complex. Gaga responded, very concerned about the tweeters accusation. While the tweets have sense been deleted, BuzzFeed was able to capture the gist of the convo here.

Perez posted a statement on his website today, claiming that he has no intentions of harming Gaga, and asking her fans to please stop sending him death threats. Gaga responded by calling off the dogs on twitter, yet again, saying that she can handle herself.

Perez says in the letter that while he will continue to voice his opinion as a critic, he wishes happiness and success to Lady Gaga, a friend he formerly referred to as “Wifey”. Hopefully the two can forgive one another, and bring some peace to the twitterverse.