Craig Ferguson begins his show by talking to his robot sidekick. Geoff, the robot sidekick, has finished the Arnold Schwarzenneger biography he was reading during the previous show and is now reading The Wolf Gift by Anne Rice. Ferguson begins to talk in a Southern accent but insists that he is speaking in his regular Scottish accent. Geoff speaks back to him in an Irish accent.

Ferguson starts off the show by saying "TGIF!" He says that although he loves Fridays in general, he is very excited about this particular Friday because of a movie that is opening called Elysium. Ferguson says that Matt Damon is in it, and he usually does very good movies. The Scotsman says that the title is taken from the Ancient Greek term for heaven, 'Elysium Fields.' He jokes that the movie takes place in 2154 when many things are different, but Jay Leno is still hosting The Tonight Show.

Tweets and Emails:
The first message is from a viewer named Laurie in Mystic Seaport, Connecticut. Laurie asks if Ferguson and his robot sidekick are free for a weekend garden party in August. Ferguson politely declines the invitation. Another message is from a viewer named Mary in Wales. Mary asks who she should write to in order to get The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson aired in Wales. Ferguson tells her to write to the government. The final message is from Wyatt in New Mexico. He asks if Ferguson has a choreographer for his show. Ferguson starts laughing and says, "We don't even have a snack budget."

First Guest:
The first guest tonight is Keith Olbermann who is returning to ESPN. The Scotsman says that Olbermann has had a few run-ins with his bosses recently. Ferguson says that Olbermann has the same problem with authority that he does. However, Ferguson adds that he's managed to stay on CBS for ten years. Olbermann says in response that he lasted eight years at MSNBC but agrees that he has a problem with authority. Ferguson says that Olbermann has been an outspoken Democrat, and Olbermann responds that he's an outspoken liberal but not a Democrat.

The final segment is a comedy act by Esther Povitsky.