Who would have thought that of all the people to become a father, Simon Cowell would fall into that rank. This past week, news came out claiming that Simon Cowell is in face going to be a father. These rumors prove to be true, but there is much speculation that the child is coming out of an affair! GASP. But anyway, congratulations to the one man who is now being judged for judging everyone else. So to pay homage to Mr. Cowell, we’ve put together a list of the top ten Simon Cowell quotes.

10. "There was a movie that did that once. It was called The Exorcist." If you’ve been a fan of American Idol or The X Factor, then this is just the sort of wonderful thing that Mr. Cowell would say directly to your face.

9. "You're like Jersey Shore meets the Kardashians." I’m not sure what’s worse.

8. "Years ago I sat on two cats and that's what it sounded like. It was painful." I can also assume that it was very painful for those poor cats as well.

7. “Shave off your beard and wear a dress. You would be a great female impersonator.”

6. “You sounded like Dolly Parton on helium." That must be saying a lot.

5. “I`d accept an honour but I don`t think I`m likely to get one. The Queen once described me as a dreadful man.” I’ve never met the Queen but I heard her word goes above all.

4. “I don`t want babies the same way I wouldn`t want a puppy. It`s too much responsibility.” Now this is very interesting. I wonder how Mr. Cowell feels about this quote now.

3. “What other people think about me is none of my business.” True, but if you’re in the spotlight, everyone will want to know all about you.

2. “If you've got a big mouth and you're controversial, you're going to get attention.” Case in point: Simon Cowell.

1 “Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.” This quote is very touching and true. Even though Mr. Cowell has spent most of his life on television and has made himself famous for openly judging singers, perfection is something that is always out of real.