Sony announced today that This Is The End, the comedy written and directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, will be heading back to theaters Friday. The move comes a day after star James Franco was roasted by Comedy Central, with Rogan as host.

According to Deadline, This Is The End is currently sitting at $96.8 million domestically and this move should help it reach the $100 million mark. The film opened on June 14 and had to compete with Man of Steel for the male audience.

In addition to Franco and Rogen, This Is The End features Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera and Emma Watson. The film earned decent reviews and a favorable response from audiences, notes Rotten Tomatoes.

This Is the End really struck a chord with comedy moviegoers this summer,” Rory Bruer, president of Worldwide Distribution for Sony Pictures, said in a statement, notes EW. “For everyone who didn’t get a chance to see it — or saw it and loved it and wants to see it again on the big screen — we are thrilled to have it back in theaters.”

If you can’t make it to the movies this weekend, the film hits Blu-ray on Oct. 1.

image: Sony