A 20-year-old woman named Lana Scolaro is claiming “Blurred Lines” singer Robin Thicke cheated on his wife Paula Patton with her at a MTV Video Music Awards after party at 1Oak, fresh off of his controversial performance with Miley Cyrus, also 20.

Scolaro claims she kissed Thicke while his wife was just feet away from them.

“I don’t think he cared what she thought,” she told Life & Style. “I was with him the whole night!”

She went on to explain her told her, “I just love the fact that you’re so young,” adding, “His hands were everywhere.”

Scolaro also claims that Thicke told her his wife was “chill” and that she didn’t mind if they hooked up. She said she got into a car with both of them for an after hours party at a suite in the Greenwich Hotel. When she came out of the bathroom, that’s when it got hot and heavy.

“He turned off the lights so no one could see us, and he started making out with me. He was grabbing me,” she said. “He was like, ‘I want to get you into bed!’”

Although Scolaro also maintains they’re planning to meet up again when he’s in New York for fashion week, a rep for Patton said “It's just a girl looking for some attention. Paula and Robin aren't concerned."

The Hollywood Gossip notes Patton and Thicke have been married since 2005 and they have a 3-year-old son together.

image: MTV