The Walt Disney Company released the first official photo from the set of Into The Woods, an adaptation of the Stephen Sondheim musical. Meryl Streep is featured in the image, wearing incredibly detailed make-up to transform the three-time Oscar winner into a witch.
Disney included the photo with an announcement that principal photography has started on the project. Streep’s witch character is on a journey to fix the curse that has made her ugly.
The film is Sondheim’s tribute to fairy tales, mixing stories like Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk and Rapunzel together. The all-star cast includes Streep, Johnny Depp, Emily Blunt, Christine Baranski, Chris Pine, and Jake Gyllenhaal.
Kendrick is playing Cinderella in the film and in perfect Kendrick-fashion, she told her social media followers that it is “weird.” Earlier this week, she shared an image of her chair with the name “Cinderella” on it.
Rob Marshall (Chicago) is directing. The film is currently scheduled for release on Christmas Day, 2014.
As for Streep, you can see her looking a bit more like herself in August: Osage County, which opens this Christmas.
image: Disney