Nicole Kidman makes her debut as Grace Kelly in the first trailer for the Olivier Dahan-directed biopic Grace of Monaco.

A narrator is heard saying amidst a montage of angelic shots of Kidman, “You are the fairy tale, the serenity to which we all aspire. And peace will come when you embrace the roles you have been destined to play.”

EW notes the film will follow the American actress turned royalty during her marriage to Prince Rainier II, or Tim Roth during a difficult time in his supremacy.

As we previously reported, Prince Albert II of Monaco and his siblings, Kelly’s children, have spoken out against their mother being depicted in the film.

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline and Princess Stephanie said they had made “numerous requests for changes” to producers but they were all ignored.

Saying there are many parts that are “purely fictional,” they also said “Therefore, the royal family wishes to stress that this film in no way constitutes a biopic. It recounts one rewritten and needlessly glamorised page in the history of Monaco and its family with both major historical inaccuracies and a series of purely fictional scenes.”

image: YouTube screnshot