Hugh Jackman is going to visit the recently renovated 114-year-old Metropolitan Theater in Iowa Falls.
John Whitesell, the current owner of the theater, has known the X-Men actor for awhile now and said he even called him to tell him he was happy to hear about renovations to the theater, The Associated Press reports. Turns out his son is the actor's agent.
"He said, 'You know, as I grew up in Australia, every little town had a movie theater.' He said, 'What happens is, cities start getting the bigger theaters and little towns start losing their theaters.' He said, 'I'm so glad you're (restoring), because every little community should have a theater,'" Whitesell said.
The Australian actor expressed interest in visiting the theater and eventually Sept. 21 was set as the date, playing into part of the promotional tour Jackson is doing for Prisoners.
The city of Iowa Falls has only about 5,000 residents and everyone is "pretty shocked," according to the theater's publicist Mark Hamilton.
The actor recently spoke to MTV, according to HitFix and mentioned that the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past might be his last time as Wolverine.
"It may be the last," he commented. "By the way, it didn't hit me until the three weeks before the end [of shooting X-Men]... and that's when I went, 'Well who knows? Maybe there's no more Wolverine. Maybe this is it. Who knows? Maybe.'"
So the actor made sure to enjoy every moment he suited up to play the surly mutant.
Prisoners opens Sept. 20 in theaters.
image: ABC