The newest installment in the wildly popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise was slated for a 2015 release, but due to some unforeseen complications, the release has been pushed back a full year. When Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End came out in 2007 the film suffered critically for having a weak story, mainly because filming started without a complete script. The new installment is suffering from the same problem, although this time Disney has decided to delay production until they get a story they feel is strong enough to be filmed. The downside is that fans won't be able to see Johnny Depp in his fifth outing as Captain Jack Sparrow until mid 2016.
The film's producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, tells The Hollywood Reporter "We have an outline everyone loves but the script is not done."
After Bruckheimer's disappointing Lone Ranger, a strong release and script may be exactly what this fifth installment of the multi-billion dollar franchise needs. According to LA Times the four Pirates of the Caribbean films have grossed $3.73 billion worldwide. Even with a delay, this franchise is only expanding and the wait will only make fans more eager to see it when it releases.
This newest film will be in the hands of two directors, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg, best known for Kon-Tiki.
Even though fans will have to wait another year, a confirmed title of 'Dead Men Tell no Tales' has been announced, this will keep fans speculating for awhile until the film is released.
Image: YouTube screenshot