Singer Sting's new musical is soon set to take place on Broadway stages.
The Last Ship will take a trial run in Chicago before making a Broadway debut.
The play features an original score by Sting. It tells the story of a family in Britain's working class. It focuses on a man's journey back home to Wallsend after 14 years, to find the shipyard's future in danger, and his lover engaged to someone else. It is directed by Joe Mantello (Wicked).
"I was raised in this surreal industrial landscape that is still the landscape of my dreams, and some of my nightmares," Sting tells Rolling Stone. "I watched many ships being launched, and there is something terrifying, apocalyptic and haunting about the event that never leaves you."
The Associated Press reports that the move came about when singer-songwriters wanted to make a move to theater.
Sting released a CD entitled The Last Ship, that features the music of the play and is available on iTunes.
The show will run in Chicago from June to July of next year. Broadway dates have not yet been released.
Photo Courtesy of NBC