Universal Studios, Focus Features and E.L. James surprised everyone in Hollywood on Labor Day when they announced that Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam and The Social Network’s Dakota Johnson would star in Fifty Shades of Grey. Now that the dust has settled, the process that landed these two relative unknowns these roles has been revealed.

Hunnam won his role after actors such as Ryan Gosling and Tron Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund turned it down, notes The Hollywood ReporterBritish TV star Christian Cooke was also considered and Brett Easton Ellis claimed that James hoped for Robert Pattinson. Of course 50 Shades began as Twilight fan-fiction, so that would have been an interesting (if too obvious) choice.

Johnson won the part of Anastasia Steele when Felicity Jones, who is 30, was considered too old, and Shailene Woodley balked at the nudity required. Alicia Vikander, Imogen Poots and Elizabeth Olsen were also possibilities, but director Sam Taylor-Johnston liked Johnson.

Both THR and TheWrap have reported that Johnson and Hunnam did a “chemistry read,” which really impressed the film’s producers. Hunnam was also a top choice for Universal, but was at first wary of taking the part. After doing the “chemistry read” with Johnson, though, he felt he could take on the role.

Johnson sounds like an actress willing to do whatever it takes to make a name for herself. She starred in Fox’s short-lived Ben & Kate during the last TV season and made a memorable appearance in her underwear in The Social Network. Her parents are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.

THR reports that the stars are both signed for a trilogy, so even if fans don’t like them, the producers certainly do. Still, the picks are interesting because neither of them are big names and Universal has to hope that Fifty Shades remains the publishing phenomenon it is today for another year.

Fifty Shades is scheduled for release on Aug. 1, 2014.

image: Fox