So, I'm not going to lie. I'm a sucker for "as seen on tv" products. I think this stems from late nights working as a private duty nurse in my youth. There isn't much on tv in the dead of the night besides informercials. Anyway, it's a running joke between me and my husband. So when the Gogo pillow arrived in the mail in a box that read as seen on TV, I was like a kid on Christmas!

I do a lot of writing for my job, and with two kids, I need to be flexible and I can't always be sitting down at my computer. I use my iPad all day long, whether to check my email, write up a report, or to play a quick video to occupy the kids. I have several cases, all of which provide great protection, but not always function.

This is where the GoGo pillow really saves the day. It functions sort of like one of these lap desks that were popular back in the day. So it is essentially its a pillow that sits on your lap with soft corners to slide your tablet into. The patented design with multi-sized tabs allow it to fit most tablets, including the iPad, iPad mini, samsung galaxy note, kindle fire, and more. This is a huge plus for households with more than one type of device.

I found it very comfortable for using on my lap. The pillow is filled with small beads, meaning it molds to your lap, is super lightweight, and the incline can be easily adjusted so the tablet can be propped on your lap, table, or sofa comfortably.

But wait, there's more! Sorry, I couldn't resist the as seen on TV pitch. The pillow comes with 2 straps so it can attach to the back of a car seat for watching a movie on the go. This is an amazing feature with 2 little kids and no in car DVD system!

And if that wasn't enough, there is a small zipper pouch on the bottom housing a neck rest. Perfect for the business traveller or a weary mom. The pouch can also be used to hold small accessories such as ear phones, pens, or even a small notebook or cell phone. Yeah, this pillow really does it all.

The GoGo pillow comes in a variety of colors and can be found at most major retailers or online at or on amazon at